الأربعاء، 7 يوليو 2021

My Heatt


أسعد الله مساكم بكل خير
زوار ومتابعي مدونة أناقة فكر (لنقرأ معاً)
موضوع اليوم بعنوان (My Heatt)

"You know what, buddy! 

From my lack of resourcefulness sometimes I wish the messenger of Allah was with me to leave everything aside, let go of all the ropes that bind me, go to him, knock on his door and tear in my eyes، He opens the door to find me lying on the ground trembling from the cold of the days.

Then he throws peace to my heart And I say to him, calm me, O Messenger of Allah, for I am tired.. 

And then I complain to him about myself, who let me down, about people, about my soul, about my crying for everything but sins, about the crying of the child who is on the roads looking for his mother and not finding her, and then he finds out that she is dead, about my wrists, my stumbles and my antenna.، Cry until tears run out of my eyes.

Abke him verqq me as Parq for the trunk, calms my soul as calmed the grief of a child whose bird died , and preaches me as preached the heel of Ben Malik، Then he laughs at me and says : Minutes and time paradise, so hold on, hold on, I'm waiting for you there.

You know what, buddy! And God I want nothing but to tell me that he loves me to calm my heart."

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